Lightspeed Champion, Cardiff Barfly, 08/02/08
Dev "Lightspeed Champion" Hynes used to be in the much hyped Test Icicles who imploded after one album so it's no suprise that the music press have been falling over themselves to write about his latest incarnation. His new sound has been hailed as a return to more tradtional indie values, Jangly guitars, fragile vocals and navel gazing. It would be a mistake that this also signifies a bunch of boring verse chorus verse repeat song structures.
Lightspeed Champion's songs build to a climax, like the imploring Tell Me What It's Worth or else combine a series of disparate parts like tonight's encore Midnight Suprise. Whether the results are epic or simply meandering is a moot point. There are moments of genuine beauty here but too often these songs sound like a succession of verses in search of a chorus.
Dev's already managed to capture a devoted following singing the words to every song, filling a niche for people who want the self obsessed misery that has always been a strand of indie songwriting but also want something a little lighter than the nu-metal and emo punks who have dominated that lyrical field for most of the past 15 years. The trouble is it's been done better before. We could all write a song about waiting for a phone call or not wanting to leave the house but a bit of wit or self awareness is always helpful if you're gonna perform it in public. His lyrics about throwing up in people's mouths and enjoying it aren't half as whimsically charming as he presumably thinks they are either.
Still, there's evidence here, like the decision to begin and end the set with fantastic new songs, that Dev is the sort of restless perfectionist who can't stand still for long. If he builds on the strengths on show tonight Lightspeed Champion will go from strength to strength.
Labels: Cardiff Barfly, gig reviews, Lightspeed Champion
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