Let's Make This Precious

Carping from the sidelines

Sunday, January 04, 2009

The Cider Diaries-Scores on the Doors

Every week on our radio show me and Fog will be commenting on the ciders we've tried and giving scores out of 100 for each. Given that I've already written a bit about each of them I present the scores without further comment. May our expert judgements influence all your cider drinking from now on....

1. Strongbow: Fog=75 Chris=65
2. Old Rascal: Fog=48 Chris=55
3. Addlestone's Premium Cloudy Cider Fog=84 Chris=75
4. Bulmer's Pear Fog=62 Chris=62
5. Magners Fog=78 Chris=40
6. Bulmers Original(apple) Fog=65 Chris=62
7. Weston's Premium Organic Cider Fog=60 Chris=70
8. Golden Valley Dry Cider Fog=69 Chris=58


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