Let's Make This Precious

Carping from the sidelines

Monday, January 05, 2009

The Cider Diaries-5/1/08

Not much to add to The Cider Diaries today as it's the first day this year that me and Fog didn't meet up and drink a new cider.

I imagine there will be many other days like this, probably best to give our livers a rest from time to time.* I don't intend to document each and every one of them but I thought the very first day without cider was worth a passing mention. We can afford a day off, we're doing well on course. But there is a small part of me that can't stop thinking that yesterday we were on eleven ciders in four days and now it's only eleven ciders in five days. Rubbish! I'm itching to drink just one more cider and keep our ratio up. Still, got to let Emma have Fog to herself every now and again if nothing else.

The other day I was talking to my friend Sam about the challenge and he told me about a drinking game he once played called Edward Ciderhands. I'd never heard of it before but apparently you tape a two litre bottle of cider to each hand and you're not allowed to take them off again until you've finished drinking the contents.

To me, this game sounds bloody difficult. To be honest, I'm not a big drinker and I'm not sure I can drink four litres of cider in one evening. How much is that in pints? What's more, I'm pretty much certain that I can't drink four or even two litres of cider without needing to go for a pee. I can imagine trying to go to the toilet while half cut with a large plastic bottle taped to each hand is a bit tricky.

I've given it some thought and I think that the only option would be to undo my fly and pop my member out of my trousers before I begin, so that when the need arises I can just stagger over to the toilet, point myself in the right direction without the aid of my hands and hope for the best. When I wasn't actually peeing, I would simply be sat around drinking cider with my cock out. All of which seems a bit unpleasant, undignified and not very sociable. Unless I can come up with a better strategy than that I will not be suggesting to Fog that we give Edward Ciderhands a try.

*In fact, my housemate just offered me a glass of whiskey and I politely turned him down. Aren't I a good boy?



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