Let's Make This Precious

Carping from the sidelines

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The Cider Diaries-7/1/09

I invited Fog and Emma over for a roast dinner this afternoon. "Would you like me to bring anything?" Fog asked me on the phone.
"Erm...No, I think I've got everything I need". I hadn't bought any cider but I didn't ask Fog to bring any. Both of us were going to the cinema later in the day so I figured maybe drinking all afternoon would be a mistake.

Having said that, as I peeled my potatoes and stirred my gravy I found myself hoping that Fog had gone ahead and bought a new cider anyway. It's beginning to get a bit addictive this cider drinking. Not in the dangerous, alcoholism sense of the word. More in the slightly geeky, obsessive way that people get addicted to Second Life or collecting Top Trumps cards. It's very possible that I am a cider slugging equivalent of those people who meet up in parks dressed as elves for fantasy role play or queue round the block to meet someone who was once in an episode of Doctor Who.

Luckily Fog was clearly of a similar mindset because he had indeed bought a cider. Not only that, he'd been sensible and bought something in a green glass one litre bottle. The sort of thing that looks like it might be tasty with a meal and wouldn't spoil your evening if you drank it in moderation in the afternoon.

15. Thatchers Coxs Single Varietal Cider
I would've expected a comma in there somewhere but not according to the bottle. Anyway, it's a nice, sweet refreshing cider that goes very nicely with a roast chicken if you're doing one. Emma reckoned it was, 'halfway between a mass produced cider and a vintage one' and Fog was chucking around the phrase 'oak aged'. It doesn't say oak aged on the bottle. I'm not sure if he actually knows what he's talking about or if he was just trying to look clever.


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