Let's Make This Precious

Carping from the sidelines

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Cider Diaries-9/1/09

I knew Ceri was planning to buy a cider for us to drink, where else, at fog and Ceri's house last night. That would keep us up to speed at two a day so i figured i wouldn't have to buy any myself. But when fog text me saying he would be buying a cider i knew it would look bad if i turned up empty handed. So, no strong stuff for us and moderation was the order of the day. Me and Ceri sensibly stuck to 4.5% ciders while wild and crazy fog went out on a limb at 5%.

Sian came along for the sociability but didn't feel she was quite ready for the cider. 'i think i need to be in the right frame of mind, i'm feeling a little hungover at the moment.' fair enough, we'll let her build up to it at her own speed. Maybe just being around cider drinkers will help?

18. Olde english medium dry cider
Ceri quite liked this cider but fog thought it had a bit of an unpleasant after taste. It wasn't horrible but i feel like at this point i've come to expect better. Olde english is made by gaymers and william gaymer's signature is right there on the can. Which is funny, because gaymers also make the horrible white star cider we had the other day but he doesn't seem to want to put his signature to that one. In fact we could only find the word gaymers in tiny writing on the back of the bottle. Speaking of gaymers...

19. Gaymers original cider
As soon as he tasted this fog let out a sigh and declared, 'that's better'. In fact fog and Ceri both liked this one but i found it a bit sweet and syrupy. That's about all there is to say about this one.

20. Eridge vale Cider
Sian misread the label on this one and thought it was called Eridge value. Not entirely inappropriate. Fog: "I tried to find the most expensive two litre bottle i could because i thought it would probably be nicer. This was £2.99 but when i got it home I realised it was three litres so this is probably pretty nasty.' sure enough this dry cider wasn't great. Fog pondered for a while before offering, "it has a very front of the mouth flavour." Ten days in and fog is already getting slightly pretentious. The annoying thing is he was right. It did have a very front of the mouth flavour.


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